About Us

About Us

Why Start BigH Meal Prep?

As owner of BigH Meal Prep, as well as any other owner of their respective business, we all have a story, and a “Why?”…

I saw a tangible opportunity to be of service to a wide spectrum of people in a significant way.

This opportunity came to light after noticing a direct relation to my passion, skills, and business vision with what every other meal service seemed to be missing!

So what’s missing from the current world of meal prep delivery services?…

About Us

What was the Spark to the Fire of BigH Meal Prep?

With 6 weeks of recovery, I decided to reignite my passion for cooking!

I wanted to give back to the bodybuilding/fitness community that had done so much for my life.

My Bodybuilding coach would frequently ask me for meals, and I loved cooking a little extra for him on the off season.

However, with all the extra time recovering from surgery, I decided to test the waters at our gyms
fridge with my very first order. After seeing the magnitude of such paramount reviews, the rest was history as soon as I moved into a Commercial kitchen to fulfill the growing demand!

What brought this idea to life?

As I got older, I gravitated towards the bodybuilding world as an outlet for structure and discipline, while additionally finding the perfect solution for BigH to get away with an even bigger appetite!

However, after 3 mens physique bodybuilding competitions, on my way to the next, a life threatening appendix rupture went septic and put an aggressive halt to my plans for the next competition.

About Us

What’s Unique about BigH Meal Prep?

Uses Halal Protein Sources: Halal is a strict Islamic protocol for how animals are raised and slaughtered.

A free range lifestyle and stress free, humane method of slaughtering creates an unbeatable quality of meat that is more tender due to lack of stress hormone in the meat. This provides a sense of ethical bliss knowing that the animal was put to rest in the
most relaxed and humane method currently available in the Meat industry.

Using Halal proteins accommodates an entirely untouched demographic of Islamic/Muslim customers. There isn’t another meal prep delivery service on the market that strictly uses Halal Protein, while also optimizing cost efficacy for the customer.

Unlike other meal prep delivery services, BigH Meal Prep offers 2 more ounces of protein per meal, 4 ounces more carbohydrates per meal, and the same quantity of veggies for the same exact price, or less than other competitors. The vision for BigH Meal Prep entails offering the most cost effective, nutrient dense, and flavorful meal service currently on the market.